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47 Wellbeing calendar ideas for your business

  • Integrate wellbeing into the employee experience

  • Transform the culture easily

  • Based on evidence, research and real data

  • Improve your reputation

  • Become a force for good

Wellbeing is a prerequisite in all good businesses 

Wherever there are people, there is an opportunity to go far. We have evolved to be in community and there is nowhere that is more relevant, than in our workplace. Don't simply meet the standard for wellbeing in your business, exceed it!

  • Increased productivity

    Reduce distractions so that your employees can focus and engage more readily

  • Employee Loyalty

    Engaged employees spread the good news and make it easier and less costly to recruit

  • Greater customer satisfaction

    Your customers love and respect your employees when they're getting a great service and refer you to their friends

What People Are Saying

I attended Nicky's how to save a life course last week and thoroughly enjoyed the course. It was valuable training and I am sure if faced with another human in distress I could draw upon. I highly recommend the course.

Antelope Recruitment

Nicky and Thrive and Shine have been the best investment I have ever made! She has enabled me to see beyond the past, to see thought for what it is, and to be more present. This has given me so much more creative flare, love and passion for what I do and a business that is thriving, as well as bringing our family closer together..


BESSIE is a superb platform. With Thrive & Shine's support, it's enabling the ChattyDuck team to identify potential risks ahead of time and take mitigating action. This approach is such an immense improvement on the box-ticking exercises typically used to address health and wellbeing in the workplace. If you're looking for a tool that's going to make a meaningful difference, both to your employees and your company's bottom line, I highly recommend contacting Thrive & Shine.

Chatty Duck

For anybody wanting to better their thinking and a positive Attitude when life gets on top of us at times ; this lady is really worth seeing; she really takes it to another level and to a totally different perspective :).

Precision Plastering

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